Package A
Package A2
W7074R is a four year old doe that is sired by
Mustang James, 298 B&C at 5 yrs with a 6x6
mainframe and 7 large drop tines. Mustang
James is a grandson of Geronimo, 288 B&C at
his largest. The maternal side of W7074R's
pedigree is also from Mustang James, 298 B&C
at 5 yrs and a doe that originated from Gene
Riser's South Texas herd.
O9042R is a two year old doe who is sired by
Mustang James, 298 B&C at 5 yrs with a 6x6
mainframe and 7 large drop tines. The dam of
O9042R is also a daughter of Mustang James.
The dam of O9042R has also produced a large
typical 5x6 with double brows, who at two
years old scored 185 B&C.
Y8032R is a three year old daughter of
Mustang Chopper, 250 B&C at 4 years with 14"
and 15" G2s, 20" inside spread, 28" beams and
50" of mass. The maternal grandsire of Y8032R
is Mustang James, 298 B&C at 5 yrs with a 6x6
mainframe and 7 large drop tines. Mustang
James is a grandson of Geronimo 288 B&C at
his largest.
Y8076R is a three year old doe out of Mustang
Chopper, 250 B&C at 4 years with 14" and 15"
G2s, 20" inside spread, 28" beams and 50" of
mass. The maternal grandsire of Y8076R is
Mustang Caesar who had a large 7x7
mainframe with extra character that scored
255 B&C at 5 yrs. The maternal grand-dam of
Y8076R is also a daughter of Mustang James'
sire, a direct son of Geronimo 288 B&C at his
O9054R is a two year old daughter of Mustang
Chopper, 250 B&C at 4 years with 14" and 15"
G2s, 20" inside spread, 28" beams and 50" of
mass. The maternal grandsire of O9054R is
Redoy Bill Jr. 220 B&C at 2 years. Redoy Bill Jr
is a son of Roy Yoder's Redoy Bill 256 B&C at 4
yrs with a large typical 5x6 frame and Bill Jr.
also has Mustang Rocket 225 B&C at 4 yrs, a
super tall mainframe typical, in his pedigree.
Nova 196at 2
Magic 255 at 5
Geronimo 288
Package cost
w/ Promtion..... $20000.00
Orion 220 at 3
James 298 at 5
Price for
this doe .............. $4000.00
Price for
this doe .............. $4000.00
Price for
this doe .............. $4000.00
Price for
this doe .............. $4000.00
Price for
this doe .............. $4000.00
Package A3
O9004R is a two year old daughter of by Mustang
James, 298 B&C at 5 yrs with a 6x6 mainframe and
7 large drop tines. Mustang James is a grandson of
Geronimo, 288 B&C. The dam side of O9004R's
pedigree is out of Roy Yoder's Redoy Bill 256 B&C
at 4 yrs with a large typical 5x6 frame.
O9058R is a two year old doe sired by Mustang
James, 298 B&C at 5 yrs with a 6x6 mainframe and
7 large drop tines. The dam of O9058R is a
daughter of Redoy Mustang 265 B&C at 4 years, a
buck that will add a huge frame and mass to future
genetic line. One of the better known son's of
Redoy Mustang is W99 who scored 274 B&C at 4 yrs
with a 26" inside spread. The maternal side of
O9058R's pedigree also includes Mustang Rocket
who scored 225 B&C at 4 yrs.
Y8034R is a three year old daughter of Mustang
Chopper, 250 B&C at 4 years with 14" and 15" G2s,
20" inside spread, 28" beams and 50" of mass. The
maternal grandsire of Y8034R is Mustang James,
298 B&C at 5 yrs with a 6x6 mainframe and 7 large
drop tines. Mustang James is a grandson of
Geronimo 288 B&C.
Y8048R is a three year old doe sired by Mustang
Chopper, 250 B&C at 4 years with 14" and 15" G2s,
20" inside spread, 28" beams and 50" of mass. The
maternal grandsire of Y8048R is Roy Yoder's Redoy
Bill 256 B&C at 4 yrs with a large typical 5x6 frame.
The dam of Y8048R is also the mother to a W7017R,
196 B&C three year old with a large 6x6 typical
frame and his womb brother, W7019R, also has a
large typical 6x7 frame.
W6178R is a five year old daughter of Mustang
Magic, 255 B&C at 5, an extremely large frame
typical with a 24" inside spread and 30" main
beams. The dam side of Mustang Magic goes back
to Geronimo 288 B&C. The maternal grandsire of
W6178R is Mustang Caesar who had a large 7x7
mainframe with extra character that scored 255
B&C at 5 yrs. The maternal grand-dam of W6178R
is O44R who is the mother of Mustang Magic, 255
B&C at 5 yrs and Buckshot 256 B&C at 4 yrs.
Nova 196 at 2
Magic 255 at 5
Geronimo 288
Package cost
w/ Promtion..... $20000.00
Orion 220 at 3
James 298 at 5
Price for
this doe .............. $4000.00
Price for
this doe .............. $4000.00
Price for
this doe .............. $4000.00
Price for
this doe .............. $4000.00
Price for
this doe .............. $4000.00